Hone Your Ability to Bounce Back
![]() In his new book, “Pink Slip Proof: How to Control All Future Paychecks,” businessman and author Paul J. Meyer stresses that Americans need to cultivate negative capability, or “the ability to bounce back from failure, to overcome obstacles and to take calculated risks.” People with negative capability do not allow bad times to get them down. They face every day as a new opportunity to succeed. Sure, it might be easier said than done, but developing negative capability is hardly impossible. Meyer offers the following advice to Americans looking to bounce back from current hardships: – Learn to expect obstacles. While many people repeat stories about entrepreneurs who find instant success, most endeavors require persistence. You are going to face objections, hang-ups and last-minute disasters — they are parts of life. Know to expect them. – Don’t give up. Even if you acknowledge that you’re going to face some sort of obstacle, that doesn’t mean you can anticipate every possible bad outcome. Unexpected obstacles can put a hitch in your plans — but you can’t ever give up on your goal. “Unfortunately, when many people encounter strong unanticipated obstacles, they become frustrated and overwhelmed, begin to question the validity of their goals and often decide to quit,” says Meyer. “They just needed to dig a little and remain persistent. The fact is, 90 percent of all failure comes from quitting.” – Learn to see obstacles as opportunities. You know to expect obstacles, so learn to see them as normal. Don’t allow negative emotions to dictate your reactions. Instead, learn to see hindrances as opportunities to learn the lessons that will take you to the next level. Rocks in the road aren’t impossible barriers, but hurdles that you, with a little creativity, can learn to leap over. As Meyer says,”When you cease to view obstacles as threatening or even inconvenient, you become unstoppable.” For more information about Paul J. Meyer or his new book, “Pink Slip Proof: How to Control All Future Paychecks,” visit www.pauljmeyer.com. |