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migrate Zoho to Gmail

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How to migrate Zoho to Gmail- Complete guide - Articles Factory

How to migrate Zoho to Gmail- Complete guide

avr. 20 07:02 2022 Amara Print This Article

if you want to migrate your Zoho mail to Gmail you can read this blog. This blog is very helpful to solve your Zoho mail migration problem.


Today everyone wants to stay competitive by using effective communication. However,Guest Posting email clients fail to meet the needs of the users. This is how users start looking for another web-based application. Zoho Mail users who are not satisfied with the service are looking for alternatives. We discuss it in this article. We will help users migrate their Zoho mailbox to Gmail.


Zoho is a Software Development Company. It produces tools and software for businesses. In addition, it offers an email service that works through the web, desktop clients, as well as mobile phones running Android and iOS. This service is mostly used for businesses.

Gmail is a free-to-use web-based email client.. It offers a free email service that allows you to send and receive emails. Gmail can also be used to manage contacts, calendars, and tasks. Gmail is accessible via Web, Desktop (through a third-party application), and on IOS and Android phones.

Before understanding the process of Zoho mail to Gmail we should know the reason for migrating. So below, we write some major reasons to convert Zoho mail to Gmail.

Reasons to Convert Zoho to Gmail

  • Zoho Mail is not as professional as Gmail.
  • Google developed Gmail. As we all know, it is a leader in the IT sector. Thus, users trust Google.
  • Google Mail has many useful built-in features, including a Windows Phone app, API, collaboration tools, Instant messaging, task management, and search tools are all available. Compared to Zoho Mail, Gmail is more professional.
  • In user studies, Gmail is more straightforward to use than Zoho Mail.
  • Users can transfer Zoho to Gmail because the service offers 15GB of free storage. tracking.
  • In user studies, Gmail is more straightforward to use than Zoho Mail.

After knowing the reasons we describe the process of importing Zoho mail to Gmail. You can import Zoho mail to Gmail with the manual method and professional method below we explain both methods.

Migrate Zoho to Gmail- Manually

There are numerous techniques through which you can migrate emails from Zoho to Gmail. In some techniques, you perform some steps and use inbuilt applications. These are known as manual methods. Below we are showing you some manual techniques to export Zoho email to Gmail.

  • Migrate Zoho Mail to Gmail Using IMAP / POP Settings.
  • Import Zoho Mail to Gmail Account.

#1. Migrate Zoho Mail to Gmail Using IMAP / POP Settings

  • Sign In to Zoho mail with the required credentials.
  • Here, Go to the setting and click on the “Email Forwarding and POP/IMAP” option.
  • Click IMAP Access Section, In the opening wizard, Hit on the Enable option and click on it.

Note:- Be sure to note the details of the IMAP configuration.

  • Log in to Gmail using the essential details of the account on which you want to import Zoho Mail.
  • To access the Accounts and Import tab, click on Settings, then choose the Accounts and Import tab.
  • On the Send mail page, click Add Another Email Address.
  • A new tab will appear on your screen, enter your Name and Zoho email address in the boxes provided and make sure the treat as alias box is unchecked.
  • To proceed further. Click on the Next step.
  • You will now enter on the next page. Next, enter your Zoho Mail e-mail address and password into the appropriate fields.
  • Please also set the Port value to 465. Click on the Add Account button after doing so.
  • Click the confirmation link on the recent emails that you have received. This will open your Zoho Mail account again.
  • A confirmation email is then sent to your Gmail account, where you click on the Confirm email address link.
  • Put the confirmation code in the verifying email in your Zoho Mail account's mailbox.
  • You can migrate Zoho mail to Gmail by following all of the above steps carefully.

#2. Import Zoho Mail to Gmail Account

  • Log in to Gmail and go to the settings button.
  • Now click on the Account and Import section.,
  • Go to Import mail and click and contact option.
  • Here Put the password of your Gmail account.
  • Now enter the account username, POP server hosting name, and port number.
  • Click on the Continue button after selecting the Use SSL option.
  • Choose the options according to your requirements and click on the Start Import button.

Here we describe the manual process to Convert Zoho to Gmail. but generally, users do not prefer this approach because it has many drawbacks. Some of the common limitations are listed below. 


Limitation of Import Zoho Mail to Gmail

  • It is a lengthy and time taking process.
  • There is a chance of data loss.
  • Novice users do not perform easily 
  • You can’t import in bulk.

Migrate Zoho to Gmail- Professionally

If you don't want to face the problem of the manual method so you can download the best Cloud migration Zoho Mail Backup Tool. with the help of this tool, you can migrate Zoho to Gmail, yahoo mail, PST, OST, MBOX, etc. This tool has many advanced features which are why it is different from the other tools.  You can try this free demo version also.

Also, Read:- Zoho Mail Not Syncing With Outlook


In this article, we described the reason of import Zoho to Gmail and also explain both types of methods ( manual and professional) to convert Zoho to Gmail. So you can opt for any of them and solve your problem to Zoho mail to Gmail.

Source: Free Guest Posting Articles from

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